Astec DD3238 (SOLD)
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Vermeer D20x22 FX SERIES II (SOLD)
2012 Horizontal Directional Drill Flex Angle Drill - allows for vertical drilling. 1 x basket of drill rods. 24 x
Learn MoreVermeer MX125 Mixing System (SOLD)
Designed for small-diameter, short-distance horizontal directional drilling jobs, the MX125 is powered by a 5.5-hp (4.1-kW) Honda gas engine. It
Learn MoreAt JB TRENCHLESS, we prioritize exceptional customer service, ensuring a seamless experience throughout your trenchless project. Our dedicated team is committed to proactive problem-solving and effective communication.
JB TRENCHLESS is your one-stop-shop for all your HDD Tooling and Equipment needs. We leverage our experience to equip you with the right tools for the job. Listening to our customers every day, we understand the challenges faced on the job. That’s why we are more than a supplier, we are your partner in drilling.
With over 30 years of experience in the trenchless industry, we have a proven track record. From horizontal direction drilling to innovative trenchless solutions, our seasoned team leverages its expertise to deliver the cutting-edge tools and tried & true equipment to our customers.
Head Office Warehouse Melbourne 1/15 commercial drive Melbourne, VIC, Australia 3175
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